U-M Construction Industry Alliance Program

Group looks over construction plans

The U-M Construction Industry Alliance Program (UMCIAP) lets you – our industry partners and members – interact on many levels with graduate students in the Tishman Construction Management Program (TCMP).

This collaboration provides students with hands-on practical experience through research projects and internships. Likewise, members benefit by building close working relationships with these highly motivated students. Members also may guest-lecture, provide input on the curriculum and help define research projects in order to solve specific practice-related problems. UMCIAP members have the distinct advantage of recruiting students they work with through the program.

Our overarching goals for the UMCIAP include:

  • Enabling TCMP faculty and student researchers and you – industry stakeholders – to work together
  • Creating opportunities for our industry partners to interact with the brightest students in our TCMP program
  • Providing the opportunity for you to participate in curriculum development and shape students’ educational experiences
  • Helping partner companies leverage and utilize the state-of-the-art and practice-related research activities undertaken by TCMP students and faculty

The UMCIAP forum specifically allows us to:

  • Solve practice-oriented problems identified by our construction industry partners
  • Ensure our curriculum best reflects industry needs in order to continue to offer the best training for students
  • Provide practical learning opportunities for U-M undergraduate and graduate students
  • Help the industry recruit highly qualified, well-trained professionals
  • Apply the knowledge and technologies obtained from the TCMP’s state-of-the-art research activities to real construction projects

The current membership of the UMCIAP includes the following companies. We are excited about this initiative and look forward to continuing our close collaboration. We also look forward to welcoming new members. If you have any questions about current or prospective membership, please do not hesitate to contact the Director, Prof. SangHyun Lee (shdpm(at)umich(dot)edu) or one of the Associate Directors, Prof. Vineet Kamat ([email protected]) and Prof. Carol Menassa ([email protected]). Go Blue!


Barton MallowDTE EnergyPMA ConsultantsSkanska
TurnerWalbridgeWalter P Moore
Dee Cramer heating cooling and sheet metalGrangerWalsh constructionToebe
University of Michigan architecture,engineering, and construction